Assistbox – Zendesk Integration



Assistbox – Zendesk Integration

Although communicating online seems like everybody’s favorite way to reach out nowadays, no written communication method can replace face-to-face communication. Researches show that for most people, chatbots are not the best way to solve their problems. Moreover, written communication with human customer representatives is not always enough. But face-to-face communication can be achieved online.

Why Face-to-Face Communication?

  • It eliminates misunderstandings: If customers are having complicated problems, they may not be able to explain them easily on chat.
  • It is more efficient than written communication: Instead of writing long text messages, your customers and employees can communicate more quickly.
  • It boosts trust: It is proven that customers receiving face-to-face service trust your brand more.

Before Integration

One of our customers already giving chat support to their customers decided to give them a quicker and easier way of asking questions and getting help. So they decided to give video support possibility. They were already using Zendesk for written support and they asked if Assistbox could be integrated to Zendesk.

Assistbox has a flexible infrastructure. Thus, it can be integrated into any system or internal process. This integration was made quickly.

After Integration

With the integration, an end-to-end process is created for the customer visiting the website. When the customer needs help, they click on the support button. They can either get support on chat or ask for video support. When the customer wants video support, a video call starts between the customer and the representative. With the new process, misunderstandings are eliminated, more effective support is provided, and customer trust and customer satisfaction are increased.

Contact us to find out what Assistbox can do for you.

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